CL Summit Day 1 (05-03-12)
Pastor Rich Witmer was there!
Such a cool and awesome pastor. And a lot of pastors and cell leaders from all over the archipelago were there. Here are some of the notes I've managed to jot down:
- Cell growth depends on strong leaders.
- Acts 20:28
- Our calling is to take care of the church that Jesus purchased by His own blood.
- David has SKILL and INTEGRITY.
> you can't reach your potential if you don't practice that skill..
> you can't live a life without integrity..
> skill alone won't get you somewhere
- "I am blessed to be a blessing."
(1) Work with your leaders. (Mark 3:13-14)
- People know when you need them or you just want them.
- You have to love the people.
- We call people for the purpose of forming.
- When you want someone in your 12, they don't have to be perfect but they have to be willing.
(2) Inspiration before information.
- Always emphasize "why" more than "how". If they are told the "why", then they will care "how".
- You have to know why you're doing what you're doing.
- If you know why, then you'll do how correctly.
(3) Stick to the basics of the vision.
- Devotional emotion. If you're a leader, you have to spend time with God. If you don't read the Bible, what are you helping people with?
- Family. The family together, doing the ministry together. Obedience and vision. When you raise up leaders, you raise up the authority.
- Love the vision, love the church. We're winning and discipling the multitudes.
- Faithfulness.
(4) Raise up leaders who will work with you, willing to pay the price and loyal.
- "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."
- Your cell is only as committed as a cell member that is least committed.
- Before you require other people to pay the price, you first should pay the price.
- If you have to ask, you can't afford it.
- To win the lost, the price is: ALL YOU HAVE, ALL THE TIME. You should have what it takes to pay the price everyday.
(5) We must continually disciple the leaders. (John 17:9)
- Jesus prayed for his 12 and not for the world. He didn't ask for world peace but he discipled his 12.
- Jesus knew that the key for world conquest was his disciples.
(6) Walk in the anointing.
- Anointing: presence of the Holy Spirit
- People who don't walk in the anointing, they do negative pressure.
- When you have anointing, it makes people want to do greater things for God.
- LESS OF ME, MORE OF GOD. ← anointing
(7) We must help leaders to become fruitful.
- You don't have to encourage fruitful people because they're already encouraged.
- Don't waste your time encouraging unfruitful people. Help them become fruitful.
- We like to do things that we're good at.
- It's our job to help leaders become fruitful. Get involved with their lives.
- You can't give what you don't have.
- "You can be the most beautiful girl, but if you feel ugly, you can't even give compliments to others."
(8) Discipleship mus be based on relationship.
- Make sure you have relationship with the people in your ministry.
- The relationship starts with discipleship and friendship.
(9) Watch over your leader's emotions.
- Disassociate yourself from your idea.
- Hebrews 12:15
- Emotionally, when you have a wound in your soul, you're more likely to get infected. And that infection can contaminate other people.
- We don't let people control us with their emotions.
- Wounds can be caused by small things.
(10) Continually minister to your leaders.
- When you minister to people, it needs to be SYSTEMATIC and PROPHETIC.
- Systems (from A to B) and then you insert the rhema word into the system.
- Make sure you hit the goal in your G12 meeting.
(11) We must become excellent communicators.
- If you talk all the time, your friends tune out your frequency.
- Use all tools necessary to communicate.
- You don't have to come up with a pretend analogy for the greatest story ever told which is the gospel. Just tell it.
- Know what you're gonna say. Say what you have to say.
- If you preach, just be yourself. Don't copy other's.
- Give your people what you have. Read something and learn from it.
(12) Create the culture of the vision in your leaders and your church.
- Note-takers are history makers.
- Culture: atmosphere/attitude of the church
- You can design the culture. DEFINE and DETERMINE the culture.
- We're the leaders. We set the tone. We determine the atmosphere.
- Create a culture in your cell: start on time, be attentive, be excited!
CL Summit Day 2 (05-04-12)
WWCF, Makati City
I arrived late since I still had Math53 classes in the afternoon. Anyway, here are the notes:
Pastor Zha Panlilio
- 1Timothy 4:7 → "...train yourself to be Godly"
- Put discipleship in yourself for you to be godlier.
- pag nadisciple ka, meaning tumaas yung antas ng pagkatao mo.. VALUE IS BEING ADDED TO YOUR LIFE!
- only disciples can change the world
- Jesus was not impressed with the quantity but with the quality.
- Jesus challenged the large crowd not with what they can do but with what they can be.
- You can do greater than what you're doing right now.
(1) Unrivaled love.
- Rival: love for family and relatives. "hate": exaggerated contrast (v.26) Hate means to "love less".
- Rival: love for self.
- With regards to your love, who gets the highest priority?
(2) Unceasing cross-bearing.
- Dying to yourself.
- Having an attitude that you're always CALLED.
- Put on your cross. Start a different lifestyle.
(3) Unreserved surrender.
- ALL OUT! (Luke 14:33)
- This is about your possessions.
- You can trust God and give up everything you have.
- A true disciple acknowledges that everything he has and everything he'll ever have is owned by God.
Pastor Rich Witmer
- Everything we do, at the core of it, it always starts with God.
- God establishes all authority.
- He allows every person in the world to be in authority.
- Rebellion from authority is a thing that holds back people in their faith.
- Ephesians 6:5 → obey your earthly masters as you obey Christ..
- 1Samuel 15:23 → rebellion=witchcraft
4 realms of authority:
1. Family
2. Government
3. Workplace/School
4. Church
- 1John 4:20-21 If you say you're submitted to God but you're not submitted to God'd delegate, you're a liar.
- WHEN YOU LOVE GOD, YOU LOVE PEOPLE. Package deal yan sila.
- The most quickly judged sin in the Bible is rebellion. Rebellion contaminates people.
- Jude 1:8-9 Never speak negatively about a person that you're under in or used to be under in.
- 1Samuel 24:2-7 Don't let someone in authority make you compromise your destiny with God.
- Numbers 12:1-15 → Aaron, Miriam and Moses. Your rebellion doesn't only affect you but it affects everything around you.
- Numbers 16 → trying to serve God while rebelling.. When you rebel and you go back in the ministry, you don't go back to where you used to be. You start again.
- Stop saying negative things to your boss. When you change your rebellious heart, you also need to change your bad habits.
- Speak blessing over your government.
How to honor church authority?
- cell leaders:
> be an armor-bearer (Read! Terry Nance's Armor Bearer)
> love and respect them
> love their family
> help carry out the duties in the cell
- pastors:
> know what they want
> follow them
> give them double honor
> obey and submit
> they're a gift from God :)
- We're called to submit to authority that is from God.
Picture-taking afterwards! Hahaha. Rode the bus home and reviewed for Math53 LE on Friday.